The virtual bagpipe lab’

The largest bagpipes library

1 Pibau Cyrn

1 Gaïta galicienne

1 Smallpipe


2 Uilleann Pipes


1 Biniou Kozh


2 cornemuses du centre


7 Great Highland Bagpipe


  • A library of 15 bagpipes
  • Natural tuning of every bagpipe
  • Genuine drones start
  • Chanters and drones recorded note by note
  • Extended two octaves range for every bagpipe



  • Build your own bagpipe
  • VST and Audio Unit Plugin with automation
  • Advanced midi setup

Listen to Universal Piper

Demonstration realized with Universal Piper and a MIDI GHB practice.

For more information click on the bagpipes

Try Universal Piper for free…

… as long as you desire. A silence will only appear from time to time.
To try or purchase Universal Piper, download and install the version corresponding to your computer.
You already purchased a previous version of Universal Piper ? The upgrade is usual !

Required configuration...

OSX: Application, Audio Unit and VST Universal Binary
Version 4.0.2 28/01/18

Windows: Application and VST 32 and 64 bit
Version 4.0.2 28/01/18

PURCHASE Universal Piper on Windows and OSX

One licence unlocks two different personal computer installations; as well as using every sound libraries on IOS.

Universal Piper also available on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

2 GHB, one Uillean Pipe and a Gaïta
All functions except audio recorder

2 GHB, one Uillean Pipe and one Gaïta
Bagpipe Lab light version

Universal Piper on the WEB